Saturday, December 28, 2019

Life is a gift

It sounds cliche but life is precious.  We run about our day annoyed with traffic, angry about forgotten socks on the floor, or complain about our love handles.  But listen to me.


Don't wait for someone to be gone to realize how amazing they are.
Cherish the people around you.  Love one another well.
Your life is precious.  Love yourself.  Take care for yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Life is a gift.  Unwrap this gift and use it.  Make this world better than the way you found it.

So go.  Give out an extra hug or kiss tonight.  Make that phone call or text to make a lunch date.  Watch how the sky burst with color at sunset or smell the salt air as you walk down the beach.  Listen to the kids fight and laugh together.  Take a mental health break to recharge your heart and mind.

I wish you joy and happiness, my friends.  Live well. 

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Kid-friendly prayer-centered Lent

As usual, the Lenten season sneaks up on me, but I want to be intentional with my faith and hopefully help my kids develop their own faith in the process.  During the Advent season we prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus.  And during the season of Lent, I want us to prepare our hearts and acknowledge the gift of salvation that was accomplished on Easter.  People of different faiths have different observances for Lent.  Some will fast from foods as a form of self-denial and/or practice of self-control.  Others will spend more time in prayer and performing acts of service.  Whatever you choose to do, may it be God honoring.  And here is what I've chosen to do this year with my kids and I've listed other ideas I've tried in the past. 
-God Bless

Sacrifice Beads - 2019
I'm so excited about this idea.  I get to involve my children in a craft that is easy to do.  Bonus since I already have the supplies in my houses.  And I'm encouraging them to pray daily and throughout the day too.  Instructions can be found with the link above.  Two ways we'll be using this:
1.  Slide a bead down every time you pray for someone or complete an act of kindness.  I've even added letter beads so we can pray for each person in the family
2.  Slide the bead down as you recite a memory verse (ex. a bead for each line of the "The Lord's Prayer" or for each word of a memory verse)

Prior ideas:
Reverse Lent - Karen Ehman
Take up something to do versus giving up something

Sacrifice Beans - Lacy Rabideau
Place a bean in the jar for each time you did something for Lent, on Easter morning all the beans are "transformed" into celebratory jelly beans