Saturday, December 28, 2019

Life is a gift

It sounds cliche but life is precious.  We run about our day annoyed with traffic, angry about forgotten socks on the floor, or complain about our love handles.  But listen to me.


Don't wait for someone to be gone to realize how amazing they are.
Cherish the people around you.  Love one another well.
Your life is precious.  Love yourself.  Take care for yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.  Life is a gift.  Unwrap this gift and use it.  Make this world better than the way you found it.

So go.  Give out an extra hug or kiss tonight.  Make that phone call or text to make a lunch date.  Watch how the sky burst with color at sunset or smell the salt air as you walk down the beach.  Listen to the kids fight and laugh together.  Take a mental health break to recharge your heart and mind.

I wish you joy and happiness, my friends.  Live well.