Thursday, March 26, 2020

You are the light of the world

Medical professionals are entering a war against the Corona pandemic with limited supplies.  Basic things such as masks, gowns and gloves are in short supply nation-wide and its supply is getting desperately slim in New York.  Staff are being told to reuse masks for the day, the week, or indefinitely.  Although cloth masks cannot filter out pathogens, I initially made cloth masks to deter touching my face before a thorough hand washing.  But in light of the mask shortage, I'm making and sharing my cloth mask pattern in hopes of providing a better alternative to scarves and bandannas.  Stay home.  Be safe.  God bless.

And to all my essential personnel, you are the light of the world (Matthew 5:14a)

Cloth Mask Pattern
2- 7"x7" cotton fabric
2- 8" elastic (1/4" width)
1 straightened large paper clip

Fig 1 sew elastic between the two right sided fabrics

Fig 2 Sew across elastic sides and the top

Fig 3 turn project inside out so pattern faces you

Fig 4 hem the bottom edge and sew pleats along the left and right side 

Fig 5 completed mask.  
Add straighten paper clip along top edge to form to nose

My instructions